Frequently Asked Questions

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Web hosting is a service that allows websites to have continuous and permanent access for users online, where website files are stored on hosting servers.
Website design service allows companies and individuals to create attractive and user-friendly websites to improve user experience and increase brand awareness.
Yes, the company can provide a domain name for the website and register it in the client's name.
Yes, the company can provide an SSL certificate to secure the website and encrypt data transmitted through the website.
Yes, the company provides technical support for the website to solve any technical issues that the website may encounter.
That depends on the size and complexity of the website and how customized it is. It can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks.
Yes, the company provides website backup service to protect the content and important data.
Accepted payment methods vary between web hosting and website design companies and may include credit card payment, bank transfer, or various electronic payment services.